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17 postsShowing posts 1-17 of 17

VIN Database for Jensen Healey & Jensen GT > Searching for #10391 in Georgia (0 replies - 6139 views)

...   10-29-2010 06:51 pm

Engine & Transmission > Lotus 907 engine lift bracket (2 replies - 7653 views)

Hello folks. I have an 'engine lift bracket' listed on eBay currently: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200535585653#ht_500wt_1182 But I can make them on an order basis for any of y'all ...   10-29-2010 02:11 am

Miscellaneous > GEORGIA TECH autoshow: saturday March 29, 2008 (6 replies - 12226 views)

I would presume that there might be some alumni with a JH or atleast had a friend that could register with someone that was affiliated ...   03-19-2008 04:23 pm

Engine & Transmission > GEORGIA TECH autoshow: Saturday March 29, 2008 (0 replies - 4427 views)

To all Jensen Healey owners in the Atlanta area:  come show your Jensen to the annual autoshow at the Georgia Institute of Technology's campus in ...   03-18-2008 05:03 pm

Miscellaneous > GEORGIA TECH autoshow: saturday March 29, 2008 (6 replies - 12226 views)

To all Jensen Healey owners in the Atlanta area:  come show your Jensen to the annual autoshow at the Georgia Institute of Technology's campus in ...   03-18-2008 04:58 pm

Engine & Transmission > 5-speed conversion (3 replies - 9220 views)

I was doing some reading on Toyota origins and it's kinda unclear how they were involved with lotus.  I see that Toyota used their transmissions ...   04-17-2007 04:45 pm

Engine & Transmission > 907 vs 910 (14 replies - 27654 views)

Hello everyone, I was wondering about the similarities/differences between the 907 series and 910 series.  I just recently saw you could "hybrid" the two together ...   07-17-2006 03:15 pm

Engine & Transmission > Dellorto/Weber upgrade is a carburetorism (8 replies - 18286 views)

Make no mistake about it, performance carburetors get the job done sure enough.  That's quite apparent in Yellow Dog's numbers. I'm looking at this from an ...   06-04-2006 06:12 pm

Engine & Transmission > Dellorto/Weber upgrade is a carburetorism (8 replies - 18286 views)

Here is an interesting website about customizing an ECU for any car (and obviously this post is in respect to JH).  http://www.megasquirt.info/  This company offers ...   06-02-2006 03:44 am

Engine & Transmission > Combustion chamber volume (8 replies - 17245 views)

Yeah, I got 58.72 cm^3 also. I suppose I could have just done the calculation without a post on the message board, but engineers ...   11-16-2005 07:55 pm

Engine & Transmission > Combustion chamber volume (8 replies - 17245 views)

Does anyone know what the volume of the combustion chamber is for the stock 907 motor (8.4:1)? ...   11-16-2005 02:02 am

Wheels > Wheels (57 replies - 132794 views)

Sounds like a great venture. I'm in. ...   08-08-2005 04:17 pm

Wheels > Tire size calculator (1 reply - 10897 views)

I thought I'd share this calculator with ya'll. It's pretty cool and saves a good deal of time doing arithmatic. Also, you don't ...   07-14-2005 08:13 pm

Suspension > Lower stance (5 replies - 15462 views)

Have any of you out there cut the stock springs down or done some modification to make the car sit slightly lower? (I'm not ...   06-18-2005 04:01 am

Engine & Transmission > oil (9 replies - 20564 views)

My father and I spent 3.5 (starting when I was 14) years restoring a 72 mk1 JH for my first driver. I've been obsessed ...   06-14-2005 12:18 am

Engine & Transmission > Big head (6 replies - 17676 views)

I came across this head some years back and I was looking at the JHPG and noticed a comparison between the early 907 heads and ...   06-11-2005 03:49 pm

Engine & Transmission > stock cams vs. 107 vs. 104 (3 replies - 10766 views)

I'm going to be doing a 2.0 rebuild with 9.5:1 pistons (and maybe dellortos) but I was considering getting aftermarket cams. I was just ...   06-10-2005 07:36 pm

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