View single post by redracer
 Posted: 09-25-2022 03:33 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 642
jomac: years ago I made a support for the engine block for exactly the same purpose, rebuilding the front suspension. I used wood(2'X4"s would work, but a piece of oak from a home center is stronger) since the entire engine with the ancillaries only weighs 275 lbs.
I added extra "blocks" onto the ends so it would sit on the 1 1/2" wide support beams and used strapping under the engine.
If you plan to rebuild the entire front, I STRONGLY recommend welding an extra 1/8" plate to the front lower frame where the lower arm bolts come through. The rear part has a second piece of metal from the subframe, but the front hole gets wallowed out from normal forces on that one "thin" piece.