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Posts by Dave | |
17 posts | Showing posts 1-17 of 17 |
Engine & Transmission > Hesitation (6 replies - 14013 views) Hey Mark,
Thanks as always for details replies. To be more specific about my question: I have a VERY accurate oxygen sensor, it reads ... 09-24-2005 06:36 pm Engine & Transmission > Hesitation (6 replies - 14013 views) Hey all,
When I pull off the line 16984 hesitates, runs like a Hugo, until it gets to about 2000 - 2400 rpm then takes off ... 09-24-2005 01:25 pm Wheels > Wheels (57 replies - 134447 views) I would love this to work out, but I'm not comfortable that this is going the way it should, it seems like too much guess ... 09-14-2005 01:02 am Wheels > Tire Size (25 replies - 71263 views) Powerder coated for $35 each? Did that include the clean up too? Please post some photos of how they come out. Mine ... 09-11-2005 02:26 pm Miscellaneous > How light can the JH be? (16 replies - 30255 views) I'm with you on this. If you've got the access to facilities to make carbon fiber replacements everyone should be all over this. One, ... 09-11-2005 02:08 pm Cooling > Temp gauge (3 replies - 12323 views) So in other words, as long as my gauge is working, there isn't much benefit from an "upgrade". Hmmmm. Maybe I'll break down ... 09-05-2005 12:01 pm Cooling > Temp gauge (3 replies - 12323 views) Is there by any chance a drop in replacement that has the actual temperatures listed on the gauge?
I watch that needle run over towards the ... 08-14-2005 01:12 pm Ignition > Timing and ignition - maybe (23 replies - 25487 views) Most often when I've had the problem that the engine does not fire at all - no cough, sputter, or other engine noise, it's something ... 08-02-2005 03:43 am Suspension > Front sway bar (2 replies - 8907 views) Don't slow down, just replace the rubber every now and then:) ... 07-17-2005 02:10 pm Body & interior stuff > patch panels (4 replies - 11377 views) There are a couple on ebay right now, a pair of the front panels and they look in reasonable shape. New stainless steel ones would ... 07-09-2005 04:22 pm Body & interior stuff > Ugly rockers (0 replies - 6076 views) and I'm not talking Mick Jagger either. The ugliness of 16984 continues to be revealed as I peel back layers of bad fiberglass work, bad ... 07-09-2005 01:27 pm Carburetors > Dellorto Troubles (27 replies - 72267 views) How about aloaner carb tune that makes the rounds......? ... 05-28-2005 02:14 pm Miscellaneous > To restore or part out? Need suggestions. (11 replies - 23418 views) It looks a lot like mine (now in the evil clutches of the local body shop where it's been for the last six months). Once ... 05-15-2005 09:18 pm Engine & Transmission > Cam installation (4 replies - 14430 views) I'm looking at the idea of eventually upgrading to 107 or 107/104 combination cams. How difficult is it to install cams into a stock 2.0? How easy ... 04-29-2005 01:16 pm Wheels > JH Wheel upgrade (15 replies - 45207 views) Too bad there isn't a supply of used Panasports, $800 + tires and my wife would go nuts!:)
... 04-25-2005 11:37 pm Miscellaneous > JH Heater - Possible alternate source for some parts (3 replies - 11656 views) Hey Mark,
I've been looking for a spare heater box for a while to do some experimenting with upgrading the JH heater system. Upgrading the ... 04-21-2005 02:10 am Engine & Transmission > Oil additive information (0 replies - 7190 views) I saw this newsletter in a recent Washington Post and thought it was interesting and maybe a good warning for our beloved 907's...
The Oil-Additive Secret ... 03-16-2005 05:10 pm | |
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