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drivers door  Rate Topic 
 Posted: 03-22-2007 03:03 am
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Ron Mau

Joined: 03-14-2005
Location: Davenport, Iowa USA
Posts: 61
In the process of stripping paint from my car,I have found that the door is about a quarter of an inch inside of the front and rear fenders at the bottom. How is the door adjusted to compensate for the difference.

I have looked it over and it doesn't make itself obvious to me. What is the secret to getting the doors to hang properly.


Ron Mau

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 Posted: 03-22-2007 02:25 pm
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Brett Gibson JH5 20497

Joined: 03-17-2005
Location: Hilton, New York USA
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Shims under the hinge on the door side, Ron.


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 Posted: 03-22-2007 02:53 pm
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Joined: 02-14-2006
Location: Bloomfield/Hebron, Connecticut USA
Posts: 147
The two door hinges pass through two rectangular holes in the front of the door, and are secured to the door by three bolts per hinge. These bolts are only accessible by removing the door panel. Loosening these bolts will enalble you to adjust the door horizontaly, verticaly (a little) and by rotation. By loosening the bolts that attach the hinges to the car, you will be able to adjust the door verticaly and inwards. When I do this, I work in one plane at a time and loosed all but 2 of the bolts (1 per hinge), with all the bolt at the other end of the hinge tightened.  These two remaining bolts are nipped up just tight enough to enable adjustment but requiring some effort. If all bolts are loosened the door will float all over the place and it will be difficult to bolt into place while holding the door steady.

Often though some final tweeking will be required as the door may move a tad when all the bolts are finaly tightened. This whole process can take 1-2 hours per door believe it or not, and is done a series of adjustments that improve the alighment slightly as you go. Perfection here is not attainable however unless the door opening is exactly the same shape and size as the door, less the clearance of 3/16"- 1/4" for each of the three sides. Be aware of this, and accepting of it, unless you want to chase your tail all day long! As a foot note, to make this job easier I used Allen wrench bolts instead of hex head ones where the hinges attach to the car. Good luck, Colin


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 Posted: 04-14-2007 09:35 pm
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Ron Mau

Joined: 03-14-2005
Location: Davenport, Iowa USA
Posts: 61
I finally figured out the real problem. The drivers door would open 42 inches (measured from the latch on the frame to the door) , the passenger door would open 31 inches. Yep you guessed it the door hinges are bent. They look like arches. So I went to the parts boxes and found a good set of hinges. The door is back on and clooses rather nicely. The gap on the front of the door looks a little larger than it should be . I think they may have taken out some of the fender or the door before to make it work. Guess I'll have to live with it.

Thanks for everyone's advice, it helped alot once the real problem was solved.


Ron Mau


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