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 Moderated by: Greg Fletcher
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Jensen National 2009 West Event  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: 09-22-2009 04:34 pm
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Greg Fletcher

Joined: 03-11-2005
Location: Lake Nacimiento, California USA
Posts: 430
Message from the organizers of the 2009 Jensen National West Event:


Effective immediately, we are extending the Jensen National 2009 Registration deadline to October 3, 2009, so please get your registrations in the mail right now and get your Jensen-made cars in shape to make the trip to the Reno/Carson City/Lake Tahoe area in northern Nevada. Event HQs for this year will be in a large eastern side valley of the Sierra Nevada mountain range at a historic mansion located in Carson City's historic district. Back in the 1860s, Mark Twain used to live just around the corner from where this 1879 mansion now stands.

We have met our minimum attendance numbers for this years event, and we have worked with our event caterers to tighten up some of their deadlines, so we are extending the original deadline for event registration from Sept 20, 2009 to Oct 3, 2009. The event itself will be held from October 8-11, 2009 and is fully described at our web site:


The event HQs is less than a 20 mile drive to the Southeast shoreline of Lake Tahoe and is also about 26 miles south of Reno, Nevada, where we will privately tour the country's National Auto Museum on Friday evening and have a banquet dinner while surrounded by some of the museum's great historic automobiles. As an event first, we will have a second catered awards dinner/banquet in Carson City on Saturday evening. Both dinners and the museum tour are included in the event's admission price.

As another event first according to Richard Calver and one of the car owners, we will have three consecutive serial number Interceptor saloons driven to this year's national event. Two of the cars are heading down from Canada and one will be driving up from San Diego, CA. According to Richard, three consecutive number Interceptors have not been together like this since the cars left the factory grounds back in the 1970s. We will shortly be posting photos and serial numbers of these cars on the J2009 West web site. One of these cars is now fuel injected, too; the factory might not recognize that modification, but it works great!

We will be taking some scenic fall drives along the shoreline of Lake Tahoe and to the historic mining town of Virginia City, which is about 15 miles NE of Carson City. We have allowed sufficient time to tour these areas with the group or on your own, as well as enough time to take a paddlewheeler cruise ship across Lake Tahoe and back.

The hotel headquarters for this year's event is Carson City's Hardman House, which has some great room rates for us, at $69/room, even including a daily free happy hour social at the hotel, in case the 1 minute drive or 5 minute walk from the hotel to the event HQs at Bliss Mansion is too daunting. As in past years, everyone will be responsible for their own hotel reservations, but we have a block of rooms reserved at the Hardman House and special rates for event attendees. Please register with the hotel as soon as possible, even if you are not positive about attending this year's event, as there is no charge for a cancellation 24 hours prior to the start of your room reservation. Hardman House even has underground parking, so you don't absolutely need to bring those bulky car covers along on this Jensen trip. Hotel details are on the event web site.

Jensen 2009 West Event Hqs address is 608 Elizabeth Street, Carson City, NV 89703, so check out your driving times and distances on mapquest.com and load up with enough Lucas spare parts to make the journey. Taking highway 395 is highly recommended to get here, as this is both a beautiful and uncrowded drive, whether you are heading down from Canada or up from Southern California and Arizona.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me on my cell phone at 858-829-7126 or leave a message on the Event Hqs phone at 775-887-8988. Right now the web registration forms still might say the deadline is Sept 20, 2009. Please ignore that and get your forms mailed in; we will be updating the registration forms in the next 24 hours or so.

NOTE: if you want to purchase embroidered J2009 West event shirts, we REALLY need to know your sizes and get your registrations and checks into us within the next few days. We do need a little time to do the custom embroidery on this years "Miner's Blue Denim" shirts. If there is any interest in purchasing shirts without coming to this year's event, please call me or email me at the above address for special arrangements. However, we strongly recommend coming to this year's event to pick up your shirts, as we plan to have a lot of fun here in Northern Nevada in early October.

regards to all,

Cyndy and Steve Brenneman
J2009 West Event Coordinators (with a lot of help from David Miller, last year's J2008 West/Yosemite Event Coordinator)

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 Posted: 09-23-2009 02:48 pm
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Jensen Healey
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I'm signed up! Anyone else going?

We need some Healeys to show the ground pounding Interceptors how to go around a corner!

Hope to see many of you there,


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 Posted: 10-07-2009 05:47 pm
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Jensen Healey
Super Moderator

Joined: 03-11-2005
Location: San Anselmo, California USA
Posts: 983
The Jensen Nationals West starts tomorrow!  Be there.


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