View single post by k2enemy84
 Posted: 11-20-2009 04:16 pm
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Joined: 07-08-2009
Location: Fredericksburg, Virginia USA
Posts: 23
She came to life today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds great after sitting for 7 years. Not smoking too much, bleeding a lil oil and I blew up the points, but she ran!!! I ended up having to switch to an internal ballast coil, but I dont have the mount, she was running and the coil fell over grounding something and i think the points are shot. But no I get to put the pertronics in and figure out how to get power to the fuel pump b/c we had to change the wiring on the coil to accomadate the internal ballast coil. So, now the fun begins with figuring out all the other crap wrong with it. Anyhow, thanks for all of the help with my ignition woes!