View single post by Dan Sommerfeld
 Posted: 05-09-2006 05:24 pm
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Dan Sommerfeld


Joined: 03-14-2005
Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan USA
Posts: 19
I have made the side badge in vector format (CorelDraw/adobe illustrator), but I haven't made the front badge yet.  One of these days I will finish my project to show everyone - I've built a JH (2D) in CorelDraw that can be used to test color choices.  Maybe I should look into finishing it up. 

If you'd like the side badge - let me know.  You would need a rather large file.  My image has a reflection that needs to be adjusted or removed for the larger size, but it looks pretty good on the car.

If you need another badge then maybe I can work on getting them converted so everyone can have them.


Attachment: JH Side Logo.jpg (Downloaded 83 times)