View single post by edward_davis
 Posted: 12-29-2005 07:54 pm
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Joined: 07-06-2005
Location: Eugene, Oregon USA
Posts: 162
My speedo had the ol' weeble-wobbles, so I went to the trouble of pulling out the rusted-in dash pod to check out the cable connection at the back.  After painting the dash pod spike and lubing it with some bicycle gear grease (good all-purpose stuff), I can now take out the dash pod easily.  I opened the speedo and dusted some graphite inside and put everything back together, wiping off the grime with a damp cloth. 

Now my tachometer doesn't work.  At first it was reading too high, by about 500 rpm.  Then when the weather cleared up and I took her out for a spin, the tach gave up completely as I wound out second gear.  There's power coming in on the hot lead, and the electricity is making it through the tach and to the ignition, since I have no trouble with the engine.  The ground connection seems to be good, too.

All of the other gauges work, and I've reduced the weeble-wobble in the speedo (still there, but smaller), but I'd like to know if there's any chance I can fix this myself.  If not, who is a good fixer of these things?  How much can I expect it to cost?

Thanks, Edward Davis