View single post by mynewbrain
 Posted: 06-05-2024 09:05 pm
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Joined: 06-04-2024
Posts: 2
I am trying to find a white with tan, 1974 Mk2 JH that I owned from about 1978 until about 1982.
I have a photo of it but it exceeds the attachment size.

In order to continue my search, I would like to look at the Mk2 chassis data from the Calver book. I wonder if anyone would be willing to scan and send me a pdf of Pgs. 281 on (I don’t know how many pages that is) that is, all the Mk2 chassis data in it.
According to the Australian National Museum, that is OK so long as it is for research purposes. And this is for research.
Anyone willing or know of a place I can get a pdf of that information?