View single post by vnavaret
 Posted: 05-12-2024 03:33 am
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Joined: 04-07-2022
Location: Oregon USA
Posts: 57
dlg wrote: I've taken the carbs off the car twice now to check the float height (fine) and the Grosse valves (TR6 from Moss, clean and apparently working). Any ideas?
The problem is the Grosse valves. They are very prone to sticking, and in my opinion are unacceptable. I used them on my TR6, which led to leaking, dripping, and stained paint. I replaced them with the (more expensive) OEM needle valves, and the problem was solved.

An interesting design that is much too sensitive to contaminents that cause sticking.

You could try changing out your fuel filter, but the odds of success are low. The Grosse valves do not have the wiping action of a needle valve that clears contaminents from the valve seat, and lack the fine mesh filters of the OEM valves that keeps the larger filth away from the valve entirely.


Last edited on 05-12-2024 03:34 am by vnavaret