View single post by vnavaret | |||||||||||||
Posted: 04-10-2024 03:49 pm |
noomg wrote: While some guys on our Wedge website think they're crap I really like the Zeniths, they're easy to maintain and tune and very reliable. Since I've got to smog test every two years the carbs need to be up to snuff which is easy with the Zeniths. I think the reason so many disparage the Zeniths is that there are several adjustments on the carb, and if you do not know which adjustment to make, you can get them pretty messed up. The SUs by comparison are elegant in their simplicity, and more difficult to fubar. Hence the near universal praise for them. I get tested every two years for emissions, and having worked with both SUs and Zeniths, I can say that the Zeniths are superior in that regard, while giving up nothing in terms of performance. And despite claims to the contrary, there are many (I counted over 100) needle profiles available from Burlen Fuel. I recommend that people find a copy of the Haynes book "Zenith/Stromberg CD Carburetors" and READ it. Zeniths will make perfect sense and maintenance is a snap after perusing that reference. Vance