View single post by redracer
 Posted: 06-08-2021 10:32 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 653
wow--just saw your video, and if that is a rod through your block, then yes, your engine is toast. Things to save on the engine: water pump; oil pump with the large auxiliary housing with it; the starter; the alternator; the carbs; the cam sprockets and the oil pump/distributor sprocket.
Option: rebuild another engine($6-$7K).
I have seen a Buick V-6 installed -aluminum block);
maybe go for an electric conversion--seems every car is headed that way.
Something to plan for: the engine with all the ancillaries(starter, alternator) only weighed 275 lbs, so dropping in some Detroit iron might be too heavy on the front(the metal bumper cars only weighed a little over 2170 lbs!)
best wishes, bruce/Red racer