View single post by noomg
 Posted: 04-29-2021 04:01 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 453
This thread about the difficulty of finding 13" tires is ten years old, they were hard to find back then I can't imagine it's gotten any easier since.

This topic of 13" tires is not exclusive to the Jensen-Healey but also pops up on various other sites, TR7 for example.

The '70s being the '70s they did a lot of goofy stuff for reasons largely unknown, including little tiny "13 wheels. It seems like that fad died off shortly thereafter which is probably why it's hard to find tires for those wheels.

The funny thing is that because of it's design, longer, lower, wider, the Jensen-Healey is one of the very few cars that looks OK on 13" wheels. While most cars of the era with 13" wheels look like a raccoon crouching on it's tip toes.

The obvious solution is of course bigger wheels, even if it's just 14" wheels, they're easier to get tires for and still pretty close to the original look.