View single post by redracer
 Posted: 10-09-2019 05:42 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 646
Glad to see you're PORing the floors; get a can of the spray mix that has the flexible "hose" with the nozzle on the end to get into your rockers(KBS: ). POR & Mastercoat may have similar products.
Be sure to remove the inner fender covers(there are five #2 pozidriv screws) i.e. the 2 covers BEHIND the front wheels and the 2 covers in FRONT of the rear wheels. Coat at least 6" up as well as the top of the rockers.
I've seen POR patch up holes the size of a quarter--just be sure to put a good backing on if that's your way to go.
best to your project, bruce/Red Racer