View single post by noomg
 Posted: 12-21-2018 05:21 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 465
I've never even heard of an aluminum exhaust manifold before on anything. Isn't the melting point of aluminum something like 980 degrees and isn't the typical exhaust temp around 1200 to 1500 degrees?
Who knows who writes these after the fact road tests, there are a lot of bogus articles written by people who just base their opinions on old road tests and have never actually driven the cars they are writing about. I remember one of these articles on the TR7 that stated the big problem with them was the rear axle would fall out of the car. Not only have I never heard of this happening, I don't of anyone else who's reported this "problem". If you want to learn about your car it's probably best to read the original road tests.
As I recall Road&Track was rather harsh on the J-H, as they were on a lot of other cars. They said "the rear end looks like a Spitfire while the front end doesn't look like much of anything" (eye of the beholder).