View single post by redracer
 Posted: 03-22-2018 04:10 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 642
Stuart: jumping out of 2nd gear is not as common jumping out of 3rd gear, especially when the car is decelerating quickly.
You said you stopped the tm. leaks? If you replaced the front seal, you would need to disassemble it somewhat(unlike the 5spd. in which the front has a cover plate--much easier). Without more info as to wen/how this happens(accelerating? decelerating?) I would guess the spring for the shift detent balls is too weak, and shimming would be necessary(yes, you will need to pull it out, etc.)The book calls for 35 lbs of force to move it(you may have to build a "jig" and use a fish scale to measure it).
In a somewhat related answer the 80 ft-lbs rear nut, that could be tightened by removing the rear housing(5nuts/bolts) and yes, you will "lose" you fluid.
However that has NEVER been a problem in all the 4spds. I've rebuilt/seen. If you have the tm popping out of 3rd gear, the FRONT large shaft nut may likely be loose if it has been rebuilt. To check this, put the lever into 3rd gear(engine off) and if there is for-aft movement of the shift lever, the nut has loosened and will eventually get ground up in the front bearing($$$$$$$). This nut(right hand thread-should have been left hand) needs Loctite and REPEENING HEAVILY after it has been torqued down.
I realize this is not your current problem, but it may help others.
Keep us posted(yes, I believe you will need to pull the tm and probably should do a full rebuild. The J-H manual for the tm is not too bad--compared to the engine section)