View single post by redracer
 Posted: 08-02-2016 01:44 am
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 652
almost all the overheating problems, especially in the post '73 engines(took an extra 2 1/2 quarts of oil which helped cool them) and the pre '75 engines with their much larger radiators, were from the radiators.(My original is like yours, a '74 5 spd). We used to put 4 rows in the tanks(the top and bottom part of the original radiators) which took care of this problem, but they are no longer available, at least here. Originally, we tried a 3 row where the tubes were lined up(front-to-back) but this helped only slightly. However, the 3 row STAGGERED radiators take are of this problem. Of more recent note, many have put the CHAMPION aluminum radiators in, which appear to solve our problems plus are much cheaper(very reasonably priced) than the copper cored ones. I would suggest changing this rather than cleaning your old one.