View single post by rday
 Posted: 03-28-2015 01:08 am
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Joined: 01-07-2015
Posts: 4
Thanks All,
   Your comment on a lighter viscosity oil affecting engine temperature makes me wonder if this is why the engine runs hot.  Around town I have no problems, but any distance under load (up long hills) and on the highway (60 mph +) it does get hot.  I thought maybe that the radiator was partially plugged or it may need a new thermostat.  The first maintenance that I performed on this car was to change the timing belt and flush the cooling system.  When I pull it out of its winter hibernation, I'll change the oil using 20w-50 and top off the carbs with 20w-50.  I was also planning on flushing the cooling system again and replacing the thermostat.  Any other suggestions? 