View single post by atgparker
 Posted: 08-22-2013 08:06 pm
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Joined: 06-23-2013
Location: Mission Viejo, California USA
Posts: 90
The Spyida Board replacement was started this week.  I'll have snipped the white wire that goes through the torrodial doughnut inside the tachometer and replaced the main PCBA with the new one.  The screws go through the heat-sinks on two transistors on the new board.  Pretty cool mounting scheme.  The male and female wires from the ignition switch and the one that runs to the +Ve coil terminal are plugged together and no longer run through the tachometer.  I have run a new wire from the -Ve coil terminal and this will plug into the new PCBA with a resistor to knock down the voltage a bit from the Pertronix Flame thrower coil and ignitor unit.  Spyida provides three resitors to try and an audio cable to run from your PC while running a wave file at maximum volume to calibrate the Tachometer at either 3K or 6K for a 4 banger.  The audio cable was missing from the kit and the engine is not back in the car yet so I haven't gotten any further with this.  But the trim ring and glasss was cleaned up and I cut a pair of O-rings I had and placed them into the groove so as to provide some squish when I remount the ring to the housing and seal up the front of the tachometer.  The white paint inside has some flakes that have dislodged so I'm deciding about what to do with the finish inside the casing.  The kit has great instructions and email with Spyida have been imediate and complete to aid in my getting this far.  There is alternative seetings concerning a jumper for use with a ignition module that has a tach-out signal so it would seem this RVI to RVC conversion will cover most all ignition systems.