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Jim DeClerck

Joined: 03-16-2005
Location: Huntington Beach, California USA
Posts: 73
On the top of the JH wiring diagram there is a key explaining the colour and cable size codes.  (Picture attached)  The 4 cable sizes shown in the cable code columns are: C 14.010, SC 14.010, SD 28.012 and SP 44.012.  How does one translate the numerical portions of the codes, keeping in mind that there are two coded 14.010.  What is the significance of the numbers to the left and to the right of the decimal points?  How are the C and SC cables different?

Attachment: 100_0861a.jpg (Downloaded 126 times)

Mark Rosenbaum

Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Kingman, Arizona USA
Posts: 532
They're using the British stranded wire standard.  It's a fairly elegant system that replaced the horde of antiquated wire gauge schemes that crept into use during the past few centuries.  The numbering system involves (a) the number of strands in a wire, and (b) the diameter in millimeters of each strand.

In this system, a 14-0.10 wire would have 14 strands each 0.10mm in diameter, and a 44-0.12 wire would have 44 strands each 0.12mm diameter.   Often whoever writes down the strand size is far too important and busy a fellow to bother with decimal points, so you instead see 14-010 or 44-012, or even 14-10 or 44-12.  (With the collapse of the UK auto industry, I suspect that many of these folks have gone to work for the Inland Revenue.    8={  )

See http://www.britishwiring.com/CAT02_07.PDF for more information on the current carrying capacity and equivalence to US wire gauges.

Jim DeClerck

Joined: 03-16-2005
Location: Huntington Beach, California USA
Posts: 73
Outstanding information, as usual, Mark.  Thanks for filling in the blanks for me.

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