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Belt tensioner bearings | Rate Topic |
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Posted: 09-01-2022 09:08 pm |
1st Post |
redracer Member
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Hey gang; some time ago I had purchased a pack of 10 HBC bearings for the belt tensioner. I had 3 "ready-to-go" and when I went to pick one, I rotated the tensioner in my hand. Well, I was getting a "notching" feel when rotating it. So I picked up one of the others and it was even worse! Upon examining the make of these bearings, I saw they are HBC, and made in CHINA(now there's something to inspire confidence!). Needless to say, I removed all the bearings from the "rebuilt" tensioners, threw them in the garbage, and installed SKF. This is one place you DO NOT WANT TO SCRIMP ON, so pay a little more for SKF, Timken, NTN, or whatever REPUTABLE bearing manufacturer. keep 'em on the road, bruce
Posted: 09-02-2022 07:46 pm |
2nd Post |
noomg Member
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Bruce, Lesson learned. I gave up on Chinese parts years ago after a number of premature part failures and ill fitting parts. I didn't notice when they began to flood the market I just thought it was a good supply of inexpensive parts. Then I began to have problems not just with car parts but boat parts as well. Wheel bearings that crumbled after 1500mi, more than once! The giveaway is they usually cost about 25% of a quality replacement. I agree spend the money do it once do it right.
Posted: 09-02-2022 08:58 pm |
3rd Post |
redracer Member
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Smart man, noomg!. Unfortunately, one would HOPE the cheaper parts would be of good quality, but as you, I, and many others have found out, that is not the case. My parents and probably yours as well, would tell you(after WW2), not to buy any of their poorly made products, but look what the country did in the '70s and later--HIGH quality products(e.g. Mitutoyo micrometers, etc). China COULD do the same, but there seems to be very little push in that direction. Anyway, we can hope, bruce
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