View single post by subwoofer
 Posted: 10-12-2010 04:08 pm
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Joined: 04-01-2008
Location: Sandefjord, Norway
Posts: 617
Jensen Healey wrote:
Get the Pertronix. The 123 doesn't have the proper advance curve for the Lotus 907. If you need a new distributor get a rebuild from the club store.

I have absolutely no connection to 123, but I like their idea. If you take one more look at the link, you will see that I linked to the new, fully programmable, version. You can program any curve you would like, with any amount of vacuum/boost advance/retard you would like. I have played a little bit with their software and to me it is intuitive.

If it works in practice? Don't know, that's why I wrote "if you are [feeling] adventurous". All I know is that it is competitively priced. In Norway, an IgnitorII from the local distributor costs 2000NOK, while I can get the 123\TUNE for around 4000. With the pertronix, I would still have all the knackered mechanics of an old distributor.
