View single post by d.dewdney
 Posted: 06-01-2008 08:58 pm
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Joined: 12-26-2007
Location: King City, Ontario Canada
Posts: 13
Well after much anticipation (Over a year) I finally got to hit the road with the Jensen ..and it was nice but like everything else something had to give. The car seemed to get louder and louder as time wore on. I decided to wait till the weekend and run it over to a shop for them to have a look at (or listen to).........As it turns out the exhast manifold is cracked ,It appears to have been repaired before (Welded)

Now do I hunt for a used one or pay my dues as a Jensen Owner and order a new one? From what I have  read in the forums changing out does not sound like it will be too much fun.


Advice? thoughts?

Fun while it lasted.........
