View single post by dwalls1
 Posted: 04-15-2008 03:29 am
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Joined: 04-11-2008
Location: Bloomfield, New Mexico USA
Posts: 207
Thanks Edward!

      I appreciate the reply, though I am still unable to get the pics. I did put my top down this evening using the roll procedure and it stowed very well. The top cover installs nicely this way as it is apparrent with the top rolled as to how the cover works. I am disapointed that my tannaeiou (OK you spell it) cover won't go on over the top cover, but one can't have everything. Am going to try to leave the top down and keep the car in the garage like a California person might, this will mean my TR7 will sit outside. It has a new canvas top and should do allright outdoors in New Mexico. This should work 'til I can get the garage arranged to accomodate both, provided my bride doesn't expect her car to be inside when there's room.