View single post by timeforwalkies
 Posted: 06-04-2007 12:37 am
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Joined: 05-24-2006
Posts: 81
I just tried some Green's MC SEMI-PASTE paint varnish lacquer remover.
Worked fine on the large surfaces but took a second coat on the radial small surfaces and little retangular holes.
Says on the can: "Do not use on linoleum, asphalt tile, plastic surfaces or fiberglas."  No mention of aluminum or any other metals.
I did considerable paint removal in one of my first jobs about 40 years ago.  We used some of the most nasty stuff you could imagine (probably banned today) on aluminum chassis panels with no effect on the aluminum.  I did rinse it right away so maybe if you leave it on for a couple of days it would be a problem.  Never did that.
If you are concerned, experiment on several areas of a damaged wheel.
Hope this helps.
My question for you is:  How are you planning to paint the little retangular hand?
My second question for the general poplulation:  has anybody tried an anodize?