View single post by Ron Mau
 Posted: 05-02-2005 11:36 pm
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Ron Mau


Joined: 03-14-2005
Location: Davenport, Iowa USA
Posts: 61
I have decided that my restoration project would loan it's engine to my other car. No $ for a major rebuild.

After a compression check(# 2 cylinder @ 80psi all the others @ 135psi) and the #4 cylinder has had the spark plug cross threaded. A trip to the machine shop is in order. Now I need some help. This is my first trip to a machine shop and the first major engine work I have ever done, But I'm jumpimg in with both feet.What needs and should be done to the head.

Questions from the machine shop.

Valve legnths (installed height) after they lap the valves and seats.

Spring rates?

TIA for all your help,

Ron Mau