View single post by Rex Craft
 Posted: 04-08-2006 03:46 am
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Rex Craft


Joined: 01-28-2006
Posts: 10
Hi Folks,

Mark, I too appreciated the torque info on the drawing.  I was just frustrated when I made my original comment. I also compared to the shop manual and concluded the flat side was shown down, so, I wasn’t blaming all on you.   I have since corrected the left side and now ready to button-up the loose ends and start getting the engine installed.


I read several articles about the time required to install the front suspension bushings.  None of what I read mentioned the problem I experienced.  My problem was the left side 10-inch bolt in the top A-arm.  It took 2 weekends and several weeknights to get this bolt out.  The right side came out with no problem but the left side had rusted in place.  This got me behind on my project and was very aggravating.  After finishing taxes this weekend and I hope to make some good progress on the Jensen.


Rex Craft