View single post by jcrc1
 Posted: 02-24-2006 11:40 pm
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Joined: 05-11-2005
Location: Auburn, Maine, USA
Posts: 27
OK..... You are about to take a long trip  this year in your JH. The trip will  have to be a minimun of 250 miles one way. The Wife ( Or Significant other) has completely endorsed the journey and WANTS you to go and not worry about her.

Two questons to answer...... 1) Where will you go? 2) What items will you carry in the trunk of your JH to ensure a safe journey in case the unexpected breakdown happens.?

I'll go first.  I plan on driving my JH to the Jensen national east gathering in Springfield, IL in June. I plan on driving from Maine- Illinois. ( if my JH restoration is completed)

The Items I will carry in my trunk are:

1) Flashlight and First aid Kit

2) Fuses

3) Duck Tape

4) 2 quarts oil

5) rags/extra coolant

6) Small Suitcase

7) snacks

8) Beer

9) Fix a flat

Ok Guys... where do you want to go and what's going to be in your trunk for the trip?..... Some of you may give me an idea I have not thought of yet