View single post by noomg
 Posted: 05-24-2024 04:15 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 453

From Bob's original post my concern was that something was getting hot which suggests something is either not fused or incorrectly fused. Since this is how Bob got the car who knows what the PO did he may not have caused this problem but he certainly didn't fix it. This is why I recommended he had the correct fusing in place before proceeding with anything else.

When I got my J/H back in the '90s the wiring while functional was a mess. The fusebox was gone leaving only a hole in the firewall, behind the firewall was a jumble of aftermarket wiring and inline fuses making it very difficult to determine what was protected and what wasn't. Also the fuses were US and too big for the application. When the lighter shorted and melted the W/H none of the fuses blew! I'll take your word that the lighter was originally fused to fuse #3 on the fusebox but since all that was gone on my car I had no way of knowing if it was connected to a fuse to big or if it was connected to a fuse at all.

I guess maybe that's why I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to getting the proper fuses in place.