View single post by noomg
 Posted: 05-23-2024 06:26 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 453

Yes, the W/Ds are all slightly different. One came with the manual and the other two came from Delta. You should be fine with just the one but I had to replace the entire W/H and at one point or another all three came in handy.

Also not everything is fused (I don't know why) the console cigarette lighter for example is not, it has a small nylon washer inside to keep it from grounding in my case after 40 years it fell apart grounding the hot lead and melting my original W/H. If you want to use the lighter for plug ins then install an inline fuse otherwise I'd disconnect it and tape off the leads.

As for the problem itself I'd pull the steering wheel and column cover so you can do an inspection if at that point it's not obvious what the problem is use a continuity tester (test light) to see what's going where and why.