View single post by noomg
 Posted: 05-23-2024 02:15 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 453

First thing check your fuses make sure they're either proper Brit fuses or US equivalent which is roughly half of the Brit rating, example Brit 15AMP = US 7AMP. Much easier to change a fuse than a wiring harness.

If you don't have a wiring diagram get one. Delta sells two (early and late model) get them both, there's a lot of crossover and if you don't have the manual get one of those too.

As to the problem it sounds like something may be grounding out or you've got some undesirable crossover between either worn wires or terminals making contact. The problem most likely lies with the turn signal/horn quadrant and possibly the ignition wiring. When you have crossover due to wear or incorrect installation you can send power to the wrong thing or more than one thing which is why you can see wacky things happening.

The reason I asked about the fuses is before anything gets warm a fuse should blow otherwise you're risking a wiring harness meltdown.

Is this a problem that came with the car or something that has recently appeared?