View single post by Darth V8R
 Posted: 05-06-2023 06:25 pm
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Darth V8R

Joined: 12-27-2022
Location: Beaverton, Oregon USA
Posts: 37
A picture of some of the damage on my dash, which I just shipped off to "Just Dashes" in Van Nuys. The estimate to reskin the dash was terrifying, but at least the UPS charge to get it there was extortionate as well.

Apparently a large, light box is an invitation to ream, steam, and clean the unsuspecting car enthusiast.

As a friend of mine retorted when I complained about the cost of tires for my Corvette, "If you wanna play, ya gotta pay". Jerk. He could have handed me a hanky to cry on, at least.

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Last edited on 05-06-2023 06:26 pm by Darth V8R