View single post by Darth V8R
 Posted: 05-06-2023 06:18 pm
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Darth V8R

Joined: 12-27-2022
Location: Beaverton, Oregon USA
Posts: 37
Here is a picture of the first floor installed and seam sealed, along with the beginning effort on the second floor. My welding is truly awful, which I am blaming on inexperience and a welding helmet that is much too dark for me to see clearly when I am welding.

The dimmer setting on it seems not to work, so no matter where I set the dimmer, it always goes full on dark. I am virtually blind when I strike the arc. <Argh>

Attachment: IMG_0327[floor2].jpg (Downloaded 247 times)

Last edited on 05-06-2023 06:27 pm by Darth V8R