View single post by jensendriver123
 Posted: 05-01-2023 11:00 pm
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Joined: 06-29-2020
Posts: 34
Hi Guys, Just now getting my car on the road after 3 and a half years ( ). But, I think I'm having the same problem with my delortos. It seems to run very nicely but not until I open the idle screws up to 6+ turns. I live in reno and the carbs are supposed to have been correctly jetted for 5500 feet of elevation. But, I'm guessing they probably aren't quite right and are going to need some tweeking. Do the jets have any markings that indicate what sizes the are? I'm guessing my first step is to determine what I'm currently running.

Also, is there any information, online, detailing the carb, how it works and what the various jets, etc., are? I'm guessing I need to understand, a bit better, the ins and outs of these carbs.



Last edited on 05-01-2023 11:07 pm by jensendriver123