View single post by Darth V8R
 Posted: 04-16-2023 09:13 pm
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Darth V8R

Joined: 12-27-2022
Location: Beaverton, Oregon USA
Posts: 37
noomg wrote: Hard to tell from the photo how extensive the corrosion is but if you have to replace the floor pans the cross members (both front and rear) will probably need replacement as well. Mine looked worse and I ended up replacing the passenger floor pan and patching the driver's side along with replacement of a couple of cross members.Yes, it is very hard to tell, mainly because the JHPS board limits the resolution of the picture. Careful examination (and a lot of squinting) show that the driver's floor just to the rear of the front seat support is completely perforated. When I removed the interior the only thing left in that location was undercoating. <sigh>

The rear seat support had been replaced with a piece of bar stock at some point, as that support appeared to have completely collapsed.

I have already acquired the cross members, so they will be getting replaced as well.

I stopped short of removing the rearmost section of the floor as the steel was in good shape, and I did not want to detach and reattach the trailing arm to the floor pan if I did not need to. I am concerned about keeping the alignment correct, and haven't a clue as to how to go about insuring that the rear end is properly aligned should I need to weld it back on.

I have acquired a 5 speed gearbox and prop shaft, and plan on replacing the 4 speed. Any caveats to pass along from all the Healey heads out there?

Wish me luck!


Last edited on 04-16-2023 09:19 pm by Darth V8R