View single post by noomg
 Posted: 04-16-2023 07:21 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 451
Hard to tell from the photo how extensive the corrosion is but if you have to replace the floor pans the cross members (both front and rear) will probably need replacement as well. Mine looked worse and I ended up replacing the passenger floor pan and patching the driver's side along with replacement of a couple of cross members.

Those really nice original black rubber floor mats were largely responsible for most of the rust damage. They were very good at trapping moisture under them when the car got wet.

I see orange was the original color which even back then was an acquired taste, as in usually the last one on the lot. Which is probably why like yours most of them were repainted at some point.

Just a recommendation, I assume the dash is coming out before paint. When reassembling after paint install the windshield before the dash. I did it the other way and it was a real PIA. Not to mention the windshield with no bottom support is very fragile and can be easily cracked if you're not careful.