View single post by Darth V8R
 Posted: 03-24-2023 04:56 pm
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Darth V8R

Joined: 12-27-2022
Location: Beaverton, Oregon USA
Posts: 37

Wanted to pass this along.

Automec is now offering replacement brake lines for left hand drive JHs. They previously offered only RHD sets. I made an inquiry, and they told me that if I was willing to measure m brake pipes they would create the necessary kit. I passed along the measurements and they got back to me. Here is the link:

LHD Automec JH Pipe set

If you prefer steel, In-line Tube offers a pipe set in steel, pre-bent: LHD In Line JH pipe set

I have not personally used either of these (yet) for my JH, although I have used Automec for other cars and found them to be an easy to use quality product. The downside to the Automec stuff is that you cannot get those laser straight runs of piping that make things look OEM. I suppose you could use a tubing straightener, but the pipes are coiled when delivered, so getting them straight is difficult without a tool.

When I get around to reinstalling the brake pipes on my project, I will report back. Since the car has yet to go off to paint, it will be a while.


Last edited on 03-24-2023 04:59 pm by Darth V8R