View single post by noomg
 Posted: 02-27-2023 05:37 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 453

If you choose to repair the W/H Moss sells the blue vinyl harness wrap tape for about ten bucks a roll.

When it comes to new a W/H $600+/- is about the going rate for most LBCs. When I did my Austin-Healey the W/H was around $650 from Moss who gets them from either Auto Sparks or British Wire.

I had the same problem with the connectors on my original W/H. Mostly the white nylon female connectors that crumbled if you tried to pull them apart. Since a lot of the original connectors are NLA I decided to go with the Delta option a NOS W/H in the original sealed plastic bag as shipped from the UK probably in the mid '70s.

It was something to behold in it's original package with all the labels and tags still in place. It was almost like having an original Star Wars action figure in it's unopened package. I hated opening it but I needed it to get the car back on the road.

It was like new with all correct connectors making the install a breeze. Of course all that originality is going to cost you 900 bucks!