View single post by redracer
 Posted: 06-24-2022 06:49 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 628
Likely, as I knew the late Jim Albeck when he was president of the west coast Healey club in 1974. That year both the west coast Healey club and the National Jensen meet were at the same time and same hotel in Venturi, CA. I and a couple of others were hopping back & forth between the 2 events we had signed up for. It was a real pleasure talking to Jim and later(2002-3??) he brought his GT to an event in Franklin , Tennessee. Doug & Keri Meyer of Jensen Interceptor "fame" remarked that even they liked Jim's rendition of the GT, so that would be 2 more thumbs up for this car.
As for the steering shafts, I won't be able to rebuild more until likely mid summer, as I am still trying to finish a car from South Carolina, with more problems than just the engine rebuild I was initially told about(isn't that the case with all these cars!)