View single post by Esprit2
 Posted: 11-07-2021 06:34 am
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Joined: 05-01-2005
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Posts: 575
I'll pass on the question about "Is there enough room". But I will strongly recommend that you not use an RTV silicone sealant.

When you bolt the joint back together, it's likely that some excess silicone will squeeze out of the joint. No big deal on the outside, you just wipe off the excess with a rag, and no mess.

However, for every bit of silicone that oozes 'out', you can just about bet a similar amound oozes to the inside of the engine. The ooze cures to a string of little rubber beads clinging to the joint line by a very thin film of silicone. Over time, engine vibration causes the beads to break off, then they migrate (ride the oil flow) to the sump.

I hate to think of the number of engines I have opened after they ran the bearings due to oil presssure failure. Only to find the oil pick-up screen plugged by a mess of little silicone rubber beads. The plugged screen is why the oil pressure crashed in an otherwise healthy engine.

Your choice, but I will not use RTV silicone sealant in an engine... with only a very few exceptions. The sump isn't one of those exceptions.

Tim Engel