View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 06-20-2021 02:51 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 147
I tried doing the spiyda conversion, and failed. You have to remove the needle and mine was very resistant and I think I ended up damaging the mechanism. My speedometer was also not reading right. I replaced both with Speed Hut units, that you can custom order faces and bezels for to pretty closely match the original look. They work perfectly and I am happy I went that way. Speedo is by GPS so you can remove the cable to the transmission, which also simplified the W58 installation. Also way cheaper than estimates I found to rebuild the Smiths. I've kept them just in case I ever feel the need to reinstall the originals. Don't see why I would, though.