View single post by discogodfather
 Posted: 04-06-2020 07:07 am
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Joined: 09-17-2007
Location: San Francisco, California USA
Posts: 221
I wanted to replace the sealed beams recently and ran into a weird problem- the three screws holding the light in (via the chrome rim) aren't all in an accessible alignment. I can get to one ok at the top but the other two are obscured behind the GRP front panel. Nothing seems to be movable unless I get at something from behind, maybe in the wheel well.

Anyone have any tricks for this? I'd rather not go to the trouble or removing the GRP surround panel at this point.

Maybe there is a way to tilt it so that the screws become accessible using the headlight alignment screws?

Last edited on 04-06-2020 07:07 am by discogodfather