View single post by noomg
 Posted: 10-19-2019 06:31 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 453

You did indeed respond to my query about a replacement wiring harness, which was much appreciated, thank you. This was something I puzzled over for some time, a good used harness(inexpensive)or a new one(very expensive). I finally chose to go new for two reasons. One was the realization of the magnitude of the job once I got into it. The other was as I removed the original harness some of the connectors were disintegrating in my hands and some of the undamaged wiring had become quite brittle.

Thanks for the heads up on the wiring diagram, the one I have been using came with the car and shows a white wire to the fuel pump, however the it runs directly to the #2 fuse. I am finding a few discrepancies between the new harness, the old one , and the wiring diagram, but I kind of expected that.