View single post by Tom Bradley
 Posted: 10-05-2018 11:04 pm
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Tom Bradley


Joined: 07-15-2013
Posts: 200
The restrictor goes in the line from the output of the fuel pump going back to the top of the fuel tank. You can make one by getting an aluminum rod which will fit tightly inside the fuel line and drilling a 3/64" hole through it. The rod only needs to be about 1/2" long, if that. Personally I replaced it with an anti-backflow valve that was good for gasoline from the my local auto parts store. It has been working OK.

Keep in mind that the fuel system needs to do 2 things. First it needs to have enough flow rate to keep up with the gas flow at maximum engine speed. Next it needs to limit the maximum pressure so that it does not force fuel past the shutoff valves in the carbs when they are closed. I have used both Facet and Mr Gasket pumps with 4PSI maximum pressure rating with no problems. I think the modern pumps and carb shut-off valves are probably better behaved than the ones that went in originally back in the 70's.