View single post by DeDub
 Posted: 08-07-2018 12:47 am
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Joined: 04-10-2005
Location: Sebastopol, CA, California USA
Posts: 28
Goldmember is gone, Baby, gone. For real. Both our LeMons cars were in a gravel pullout on the side of the driveway of one of our drivers and were both burned in the Tubbs fire last year. Pulled the motor and trans out of the JH Goldmember car because they the damage seemed to be confined to the rest of the car. Oil was OK, only the carbs melted due to fuel flow from the fuel cell. I wouldn't trust the whole motor again without a stripdown so decided to do that and save the internals. Seems like my LeMons days are over, at least as a car owner. Still may try an arrive and drive with some other team, though the urge for another car is still there; I'm hoping it doesn't rise to the point where I'll actually have to obey it.