View single post by redracer
 Posted: 08-04-2017 08:21 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 653
That's a '74 & later fender & shroud, and yes the bumper is too high.
Also, the headlight shroud should NOT be touching the fender at all; if it does, as in your case, there is a lot of flex in the car driving and will crack it similar to yours.
The shroud should have 2 #2-cross-point/posidrive screws under the hood and an adjustable 1/4" X 28 thd./in. stud in the other/outer side where it passes through the hole in the inner frame. A nut with a large washer on the outer part adjusts the shroud maybe 1/8" from the fender and the inner part has a washer and wing nut(hard to find 1/4"X28 wing nuts).