View single post by Esprit2
 Posted: 02-26-2017 03:35 am
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Joined: 05-01-2005
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Posts: 575
DHLA 45 Suffix details are:
No suffix = standard universal with 3 progression holes
45 C = Universal with 5 progression holes
45 E = Lotus OE with 5 progression holes, for 912LC in Excel & Esprit S3.
45 D = Lotus OE with 5 progression holes & Power Jet for Excel SE & Esprit S3 HC.
45 P = Lotus OE with 5 prog. holes & Power Jet, for Excel SA with 912HC & automatic trans.
45 M = Lotus OE, Power Jet & sealed for blow-through turbocharging, Federal 910 Turbo.
45 H = Doesn't exist. Some folk think there is one, but it's a Unicorn that's confused with the 40H

DHLA 40 Suffix details are:
40 C = Universal with 5 progression holes.
40 H = Lotus OE for UK Domestic 910LC Turbo, sealed for blow-thru turbocharging), 910 Turbo.
40 L = Alfa Giulietta Turbo 2.0 Liter (Tag #R19168) - $774.95 Each
40 N = The N model is basically an Alfa version of the H model - it's an
emission control type - it may have originally had a solenoid or throttle
position switch fitted, but the body is the same as the H type.

Sorry about the un-timely response, but better late than never.

Tim Engel

Last edited on 02-27-2017 07:32 pm by Esprit2