View single post by edward_davis
 Posted: 08-22-2005 05:43 pm
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Joined: 07-06-2005
Location: Eugene, Oregon USA
Posts: 162
Yesterday, at the end of a sunny afternoon jaunt, I pulled up at a stoplight and noticed some wisps of oil smoke coming from under my hood.  My pressure was OK, and I was only two blocks from home, so I brought my '75 JH back to the garage and looked under the hood for the problem.  It seems that I have some oil oozing out from the cam covers at the rear of the engine.  I think it's the intake side, but I couldn't be sure.  The PO told me that this happens from time to time with the Lotus engine, and I just want to get input from the community to reassure myself.

Do I need to take off the cam covers and install new gaskets?  Is this a problem that will fix itself and recur intermittantly, one that I can never really get rid of?

What are the best gaskets to use for the cam covers, anyway?