View single post by Judson Manning
 Posted: 08-13-2005 05:54 pm
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Judson Manning

Joined: 03-14-2005
Location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Posts: 406

The stock offset is ~3/4" 6x13" Panasports had a measured offset of ~5/8".  I would assume the 6x15 Panasports would have the same offset as the 6x13s.

A 225/50R15 is about 0.8" wider than a 205/ the 7x15s need to have at least 0.4" less offset than the 6x13"Panasports in order to have the same inner clearance. 

If you have 205/60R13s on your car now, just measure outward about 1" and that should be where the outer edge of the 225/50R15s would be.
