View single post by RNilsen
 Posted: 08-10-2005 02:31 am
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Joined: 07-28-2005
Location: USA
Posts: 2
At this point in time we have 5 possibles and 5 definites. We need at least 20 definites. I'll try to answer your questions as well as I can. Conical lug nuts fit the wheels, they are available from Konig. The wheels have a 4" backspace and 0 offset.  As far as clearance, I really don't know I don't believe there will be any problems, "Jasper" has said that he is using 15" wheels with no problems. Delivery time from the receipt of the deposit is anywhere from 60 to 90 days. The deposit is 50% of the total order and the wheels, all of them, can be only shipped to one location. They will have to be distributed from there. The $100 is not etched in stone, however I don't think it will vary much from that figure. I don't have a clue what shipping would be, inbound to the distribution point or outbound to the owners. A best guess on the outbound freight is + - $60. Now the sticky part; how to handle the financial end. Any thoughts on this would appreciated.
